Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Annual Back To School Benefit For Foster Children

Donate And Help Kids Get A Great Back To School Start!

Yup, it's that time already!


But did you know that in New Hampshire alone,
hundreds of children will head back without the things they need?

It's sad but true.

My heart breaks to think of all the helpless children
who will go back wearing the same dirty shoes,
worn and ripped clothes...

While their friends and peers
show off all their new things

But more importantly,
many kids won't even have the backpacks
and school supplies they need to help get the education
they SO deserve!

I have committed to help as many kids as I can each year!
I will do whatever it takes.

If you would like to help by donating
supplies, clothes, gift cards,
anything you can
I will help!

I will pick up and deliver supplies
I will do the shopping
I will tell you where you can go to help

Contact me to show you where and how you can help
or stop by your local school and ask what you can do!

Please, let's help these kids
For their future
AND ours!

...and remember, it's never too late to help!
There are kids who need stuff all year long.
It isn't their fault... just their problem

I will be collecting items for the entire month of August
Drop them by my office at
242 Central Ave, Dover
Give me a call and I will pick them up

A very special thanks to all those that help each year
And those who have already given doantions this year!!

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