I'm on a home inspection, it's FREEZING cold out and these buyers just happened to choose THE most long winded inspector one could find. (No pun intended- you'll see)
So there we are, shivering. I'm repeating in my head "please hurry up, please hurry up" hoping to will him into shutting up soon. Really, I want these buyers to get all the information they need, but this is going beyond anything necessary. And my toes are one step away from falling off.
Deep into conversation over the grade near the foundation..... Mom let's out the loudest, ickiest fart one has ever heard! Seriously. I thought she needed a bathroom!
What do people do under such circumstances? Pretend it never happened. Minus the slight pause, wide eyes and moment of confusion. But thank God for Mr. Talks Alot! He hardly missed a beat..... and spared some of us the emabarrassment of what could have been.
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