Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Monotony, Loss, Gain, BUYERS....

My Mangrove Street listing came off the market this week. The baby is due soon and being settled is important. Look for it again in six months, maybe a year. Such a cute house.

I showed it to a couple a month or so ago. They had just started their search. They too have a baby due. This job still amazes me all the time. It's funny how things happen. And I'm truley amazed at the people I meet. These guys are just so cute and so sweet. I don't know how many agents they met before me, but we have been working together since. We went to just four other houses. Three days of showings. And what do you know! We found the house for them. It's now under agreement! In just 3 days! I have to stress the power of the internet, a good agent and an active, well prepared buyer! There really is no need for a hundred showings. Months of frustration. Well, not usually anyway. There is always the exception to every rule. But with the right guidance, a buyer really can find what they are looking for without all the mess.

First, by using the power of the internet! You can get a VERY good feel for a home from what is available online. And ask questions BEFORE going all the way there. We all feel that our time is precious. Life moves faster and faster by the minute. Wasting it looking at houses you would never want is not an appealing thought. And take a drive by the houses before scheduling that showing too. You can change a house, but you can't change it's location OR the neighbors. A few simple steps can really change your buying process and save you lots of frustration. I used to be surprised at how many of my buyers would tell me "Hey, that was WAY easier than we were told it would be!". Now I understand that just a few shifts in the process can have huge effects. I want happy buyers.

I am still surprised though, at how much I end up liking my buyers! Maybe I'm just a sap and my perception is skewed, it could certainly be true, but I always find they become friends. I enjoy working with them. I find myself feeling a bit saddened when the closing date nears. Knowing it's nearly over. And as life does, things get busy and we don't see each other again for quite some time. But it's so wonderful helping people find a home AND aquiring friends in the process. I love this business.

Marco and Elisa, thank you so much for chosing me!!!

If you've been following my blog (thank you SO much) or noticed the gap in posts, you can see I have had a serious case of writer's block. Strange for me... as anyone who knows me well will tell you, when I get started it can go on for what seems like forever. There is hardly a simple email. My poor friends have to wade through paragraph after paragraph. Agents rarely get just a simple response. When I write, I write. So this block, as you can imagine has been rather painful. This was a very forced event. Let's hope something breaks soon!!

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