I’m a firm believer in what goes around will eventually come around. I also believe that being kind and understanding will always win out. The impression you leave with someone can truly affect your life.
Take Stella for instance. I met Stella a few years ago at an Open House on some condos we had under construction near her own. It was a miserably hot, humid summer day. Temps soaring around 100 degrees. As I mentioned, the condos were under construction. Just under construction in fact. A shell of a building with only one unit sheet rocked. Nowhere near completion. Everything was covered in dust and dirt. And I had forgotten a chair so I was left standing, in the heat and the filth, for the full time I was to be there.
But when Stella ventured across the way to see what would be her new neighbors, I showed no sign of the pain I had endured. I planted a smile across my face and showed a happiness to talk to her about the project. Now Stella is no fool. She knew exactly the day I had endured. She also knew my attitude was genuine.
Fast forward a year or so. I’m sitting at my desk, busily working when my phone rings. “Stephanie, I’m quite sure you won’t remember me, but I met you at an Open House.” Of course I remembered Stella, but I certainly was surprised to hear from her. She had been thinking of putting her condo on the market and sought me out. She knew an agent she said she was very fond of, but I apparently had left an impression on her. Well, after meeting with her and performing a CMA on her condo she decided it just wasn’t the right time for her to sell.
Many months, a year passed, but Stella called me back! This time she really might be ready to list. In our conversation she pointed something out to me. On our initial meeting I explained to her that I realize buying and selling is a very emotional experience. I put my clients needs AND emotions in the forefront. She knew I meant it.
Now, on the flip side of that scenario…. I recently had a showing on one of my listings. That agent called days in advance. Perfect. I confirmed with my seller then relayed that confirmation to the buyer’s agent within the hour. The evening before the showing I receive a call from the agent, a bit perturbed I hadn’t confirmed. Hmm? Ok, I let it go. Their offer comes in at 7am the Friday starting the Fourth of July holiday. Now, I understand that business goes on. Agents work holidays (We’ll save this argument for a later date). Buyers want showings. Buyers want answers. And I’m fully prepared to proceed. However, the offer has a 24 hour response request and my seller is off to celebrate. You see, for him there is more to life than selling his house. I kindly thank the agent for the offer and let him know that I am doing all I can and will be in touch as soon as possible. My seller is beginning his holiday. Mr. Agent’s response- “We understand, but we all have cells and text.” Wow. That was pretty rude ( …and I told him as much). Truth be told, my seller does NOT text and RARELY carries his cell phone. On top of that, he rides a motorcycle long distances. IF he knew it was ringing, IF he were carrying it, he certainly couldn’t answer it.
To make a long story short, I will summarize. The offer was nearly 20K under list(on a very nice home, in a very nice neighborhood, that is priced well), we responded in under 6 hours with a good counter, they requested a last minute second showing for the next morning, counter back with not much more than the original offer, the agent calls repeatedly over the holiday weekend, demands are made and my seller feels insulted and bullied and refuses to respond for days until he finally just rejects the offer. And this agent has been repeatedly rude and disrespectful to me.
The outcome? The reduced price that would have been available is no longer available to this buyer. And frankly, my seller suggests the home may not be at any price.
The moral of the story-
Not all sellers are desperate to sell, being bossy and disrespectful won’t get you anywhere and rest assured Mr. Cranky Agent, even my very good natured self will remember this event if we so meet again. Be nice! And mean it.
Now don’t get me wrong. I know the legality and ethics of representation without involving my own emotions. I’m well suited to do so. But I won’t be pressured or bullied by anyone and nor will I let my clients. This business really is built on relationships and really is FULL of emotion. If, as agents, we build solid, friendly relationships with clients and colleagues alike, we will not only succeed to greater lengths, we will also have a better time doing so.
My grandmother always used to tell me “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar”. She also told my husband, on our wedding day, “Never go to bed mad at each other”. And you know what? He listened. And we have a near perfect friendship and marriage. She’s a smart woman my grandmother. Thanks Gram!
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